Mixing Pans
*Update* These are now available in my Shop. I’m experimenting with a double-jumbo sized mixing pan in my Pocket Palettes. To get started, I gave my palettes a little TLC.
I rinsed them out, refilled paints, and reconsidered what colors I’d like to include.
Here’s what they look like now. I’m curious if the larger mixing pan will prove to be useful, and would be interested in any feedback you may have from your own experiences!

I made a small sketch of this squirrel to test things out. The little guys like to nap on the deck railing of the house across our alley, completely relaxed with their feet kicked back! The lyrics from the White Stripes, “Little Acorns” have been stuck in my head all day, “be like the squirrel…”
12 Responses to “Mixing Pans”
Véronique Robigou
Lovely little squirrel. It looks so relaxed!
I always carry an extra mixing pan that fits in my travel kit. The back on the palette never seems to be enough for me… I need more space to make my colors, more space to be messier.
It’s a compromise between mixing space and portability… I’d love to see a picture of your travel kit, Véronique!
Paige Pittman
Love your paintings, sketches! You have inspired me to great heights! Your tool kit has been so wonderful! I finally found a small, travel, compact art kit that held essentials! I have been searching a long time! I have 2 of your pocket palettes all filled except 1 well. I have a few colors from certain brands that I would like to replace with other colors but not sure where to store them and how to label them with brand and color. Do you have any suggestions on how to store the pans and label them with color when you are not using them? Also, a little comment about the mixing wells. I think they would be a great addition to the palette! Actually, the palette is so small, you could have a palette for nothing but mixing wells and still have room in the kit to take it with you. Thanks for all you do! I sure enjoy following you on your expeditions!
I’m so glad you’re having fun with your Toolkit, Paige! I’m working on ideas for storing pans. Right now I just keep them in a bag and I’m good at eye-balling my colors. I think it would be fun to have a magnetic sheet that you could stick them to. If you do any experiments, let me know! I’d also love to see your Toolkit “in action” if you’d like to share.
Love your sketches! They’re so fresh and spontaneous! I have one of your Pocket Palettes and… actually… I’d love to have some SMALLER, “half-pans” to add it! I was thinking that if I had a a little bit of a lot of colors I would have to try and mix so much! I’m not sure they would fit so under that little lip inside the pallette, but you could definitely get two rows of 7 mini pans, and then one row of the original sized pans! I’d be in Pocket Palette Sketching Heaven with 21 pigments in such a compact little case!! Is there any chance half-pans (or mini pans or whatever you’d like to call them) could happen?? Please, oh please! With sugar sprinkles and a chocolate covered cherry on top?! (o:
Thank you, Wendi! Oh, color is so seductive… mini-pans are a fun idea. I’ll keep them in mind for future development ideas.
Got my palette and the set of paints. So nice. I’ve almost lost it already. My friend got ‘grabby’ hands over it. *G* I love it.
Ha! Tell your friend to get their own. :) Happy painting!
My wife and I are already fighting over spare pans because the minute we get one set of colors selected, we find another one we want to include. Put me down for half pans as well if you make them available–having 28 colors available would be too luxurious! Even filling up pages in a medium Moleskine watercolor sketchbook,
Half pans! I’ll put them on the wish list. Sounds like you need another palette in the meantime. Cheers, Maria :)
Karen D'Angelo
I totally support the idea to have a giant pan size. In my mixed media work there’s defffinitely a need for one: I love mixing titanium white or buff and even metallic gold into my colors while working. Yes please offer the big fat pans. Wow!
It’s official! Mixing pans are available, thank you for the feedback!