Back in the Swing of Things
Moving is always more time and energy consuming than I think it will be! I’m finally feeling caught up and settled in my new studio- back in the swing of things! Here’s a peek into my new studio space. It’s fantastic—a bit larger than in the past and the real treat is having french doors. With one additional window, the light is lovely for painting.

Most of furniture either folds up for compact storage (check out my Ikea table in action here), or is on wheels, including my new shelf made with Storable’s Industrial Post Shelving. Now that I’m all set up, I’m busy preparing work for the show, Ice Stories (, opening November 9th at the Washington State Convention Center, and in collaboration with artists Anna McKee and Cynthia Camlin. For the show, I’m continuing to develop work from my 2010 Greenland expedition and remain fascinated by Arctic Terns. With their annual bi-polar migration (44,000+ miles!), they are true global citizens.

P.S. I’ll be sending out postcards for the “Ice Stories” show in a couple of weeks! Let me know if you’d like one.
7 Responses to “Back in the Swing of Things”
Amy Fleischer
Congrats on your new space. Looks wonderful… and those clouds! They are beautiful, Maria. I was sorry to miss your cloud demo at Daniel Smith last weekend. Are you doing it again any time soon?
Amy Fleischer
Oh, I just found the calendar tab. I won’t be able to make it this weekend. Hopefully there will be some other options down the line!
Lovely new space Maria! Can’t wait to see what you create in here! So sorry we missed you in the Methow the other weekend. :-(
Hana Baker
p.s… I absolutely love the Terns.
Thank you! Amy and Hana, I hope to see you both soon- and that you both are finding time for your art!
How on earth is “Flight” a painting? It looks more like I’m there than even a photo could. Breathtaking.
You sweetheart. I’ve always loved the sky- this painting was created through multiple layers of watercolor to create subtle textures.