Daniel Smith events

I had a wonderful time with Daniel Smith this past week. I joined them at a Plein Air themed art event at the Seattle Design Center, and also gave demos at both the Seattle at Bellevue stores on field sketching with ink and watercolor. Thank you to everyone who came! For those of you who couldn’t make it, stay tuned. I’ll be sharing the tools and techniques I presented in upcoming blog posts. I met some wonderful artists, including Daniel Smith employees. It’s wonderful to visit an art store with so many knowledgable folks. I want to give a shout out to Che Lopez who works in Bellevue on weekends. He’s an artist, teacher, and coach with a passion for painting portraits. He’s also a fan of the Pocket Palette! We were both making art at the Plein Air event and I took the opportunity to sketch him at work.

3 Responses to “Daniel Smith events”
Cindy V
Thanks for all the fun and support, Maria. We at Daniel Smith love when you visit. You’re incredibly generous with tips, techniques,and strategies… and so supportive of other artists… come back ANYTIME.
Kristin Johnsen
thanks SO MUCH for the great 11:00 demo – I really learned a lot in such a short amount of time, and am already putting my learning to use! I think I’m ready to sketch my travels. I LOVE the sketch about of Che – it just shows that just a bit of detail brings sketch to life – it makes me hopeful that I can do this!
You’re welcome, Kristin, I’m so glad you feel inspired. Have fun!