Ummannaq Fjord from Niaqornat
I’m continuing to complete field sketches from last spring’s Imaging the Arctic Greenland expedition. Like my other paintingsĀ Niaqornat Sunrise and Niaqornat, I drafted the pencil drawing foundation for this sketch in the field and completed it in my studio on cream toned Arches Cover paper. I like the mood and quiet palette, as well as bringing out the whites with gouache (an opaque water-based paint).

I set up a Go-Pro camera while I sketched in Greenland and created a time-lapse over a period of four hours. I’m always amazed at how quickly ice can move on wind and currents. If you watch the foreground closely, you can also see the ice moving down with the tide!
2 Responses to “Ummannaq Fjord from Niaqornat”
Rosita Sprohge
This is so unbelievably peaceful . I love the colour of the sky and mountains. A very painterly rendering of the reality.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Maria.
I so enjoyed your presentation at the Whatcom Museum today. I appreciated how you demonstrated your process of capturing the landscape while you worked out of doors. I imagine you left the children of Greenland with imagination for capturing their homeland when you taught them during your exhibition.