Greenland Update
It’s been a thrilling past week of settling into Niaqornat, learning about the science projects, and taking advantage of fantastic weather. I’ve been spending as much time as possible sketching, and have had opportunities as well to join biologist Dr. Kristin Laidre and her colleagues on helicopter flights out to the sea ice for their narwhal research. Sunshine has made for great field working conditions, although it’s cold! Temperatures have been dropping daily since we arrived with the ridiculous high of 50 degrees F.

I’m extremely grateful to be insulated by Feathered Friends down pants and jacket. I also want to make a shout out to John Canfield, who made me an awesome custom field pack for this project. I highly recommend checking out his hand-made gear: From High Above. All that great equipment is made in Seattle! I also want to thank Seattle-based Glazer’s Camera for their support, and recognize Daniel Smith as the local Seattle manufacturer of my favorite watercolor paints. Finally, thank you to my sponsors and all of you, for your support and enthusiasm!

After days of sunshine, today the weather finally changed. Clouds and light snow kept the helicopter grounded, and this quote my father sent me from “The Princess Bride” struck a chord. Vizzini says to Fizzik “And you: friendless, brainless, helpless, hopeless! Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed in Greenland?!” (watch the clip) Now we’re not unemployed, but fieldwork is slowed down for the day. Send thoughts for clear weather!

3 Responses to “Greenland Update”
fascinating project and beautiful work!
Love your work. I am an artist myself and inspired also by atmosphear
Regards Jacque
Thank you and keep in touch!