
Showing posts in “In the Studio”

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Opening Soon! New Work

Final preparations for the Witnessing Climate Change exhibit

Expedition Artists and Science Exploration

I’m featured in an article in the PNAS and am completing new sketches.

Back to my Studio

I’m developing work for a fall exhibition.

Studio update!

Tour my new desks, lights, and hanging systems.

Framing and Printing

I’m preparing Imaging the Arctic materials for exhibit.

Art Nerd Seattle

I documented a day in my life for Art Nerd in Seattle.

Large Ice Floes

This is another painting from my aerial ice series, inspired by my time in Greenland.

Going big!

How I prep for large scale watercolors including a studio timelapse.

Studio Projects

A sneak peek at my studio with my recently completed painting.

Sled Dogs

I’m working on a series of paintings exploring Greenlandic sled dog behavior and character.

High Above

This large watercolor of Arctic Terns was painted in loving memory of a friend who passed away.

Following the Light

These three paintings explore the theme of Arctic Tern migration and changing light.

Glide Panorama

This is a preview of my latest painting, just completed yesterday.

Godwit Studies

The 5″ x 5″ format is my favorite for studio explorations and warming up.

Black Spruce landscape

Check out my process for developing a painting inspired by my recent field expedition to Alaska!

Black Tern

My Arctic Tern explorations continue with my 24th 5×5 painting!

Sitting out the Storm

This painting is inspired by my current focus on Arctic Terns and today’s stormy weather!

Yellow Tern

This painting continues my themes of saturated colors and Arctic Terns.

Albatross Flight

This sketch is inspired by my time in the Falkland Islands.

Ice shelf

This sketch is inspired by a photo my father took with the NASA IceBridge project in Antarctica.


This 5″x5″ sketch is inspired by my travel along the NE Greenland coast.

Take Off

This Albatross is inspired by my 2008 visit to the Falkland Islands.

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