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The Demi Essentials Palette

The Essential Colors are now available in the Demi Palette!

PechaKucha at the Nordic Museum

Celebrating the diversity of arts and culture of the Arctic.

Opening night

Thank you to everyone who came to my opening last night!

Life Cycles and Climate

Catching Godwits

Finding Godwits

Tracking Godwits

I am tramping around in sub-arctic peat bogs and tidal flats with scientist Nathan Senner.


I made it safely to Beluga, Alaska! It was a grey, rainy trip.

New Arctic Tern Paintings

New large watercolors featuring Arctic Terns, amazing birds that make an annual migration of 45,000 miles.

Stormy Weather

Sketches from my adventure to Richmond Beach Saltwater park on a stormy springtime day.

All’s Well that Bails Well

My first day on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Off to the Grand Canyon

Details about my Grand Canyon trip and Historic Boats Afloat.

Where in the world is Maria?

Brief update from Greenland and thank you again to my sponsors!