Settled in and off to Alaska!

The past month has been a whirlwind of activity with finding housing and settling into a beautiful new space in Seattle’s Greenwood/Phinney neighborhood. My studio work was temporarily put on hold with the transition, but I’m happy to announce that early tomorrow morning I’m off on an expedition! I’m flying to Beluga, Alaska (across the Cook Inlet from Anchorage) to join an ornithologist friend of mine, Nathan Senner, at his research camp for about 10 days. Nathan studies Hudsonian Godwits, shore birds that migrate between the sub-arctic and the tip of South America. With my fascination for Arctic Terns, I’m excited to learn about another long-distance migrator, and I may see Terns in the region as well. I’m hoping to blog from the field camp, so wish me luck and stay tuned for updates!
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