Studio Reorganization

I’ve reorganized my indoor studio and it’s quite exciting. A few days ago I looked at my set-up with a critical eye and realized that my computer/office space dominated the room. It made art-making more challenging with finding materials and keeping everything neat. Now everything is much better with my office tucked in a corner and my studio utilizing the wide open area. I have lots of surfaces to work on, some of which fold (I have an Ikea Norden folding table which a convenient space saver), as well as some new furniture from my housemate who has just moved to Singapore. One is a small 4 drawer cabinet that I’ve put on wheels that I will use as a taboret, an additional tabletop, and I just purchased a used drafting table on craigslist. I’m ready to paint! On the organizing note, I also made myself a new sketchbook that I’m delighted with. I took an old 3 ring binder and cut out the spine to customize. I covered two pieces of scrap mat board with some Canson Mi-Teinte paper I had in my studio and used book binding tape to attach them to the spine. The result is a sketchbook/notebook that I can customize the contents of with interesting papers (I bought a heavy duty hole punch today as well). As much as I love hard bound and spiral bound sketchbooks, too many of them only end up 1/3 full… now I can can use the extra sheets in my new binder. I think it’s a great solution.

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