Exhibit Presentation and Catalog!
Please join me Friday, October 22, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific for a live-streamed conversation from the Jefferson Museum of Art & History in Port Townsend with biologist George Divoky and educator Katie Morrison!

We’ll be talking about our Witnessing Climate Change exhibition currently on view at the Museum. In 2019, Katie and I traveled to the Arctic, to join George for his 47th season on Cooper Island, observing Black Guillemots, an indicator species for the changing climate.
We hope you can make it! The program is offered by donation–pay as you wish. Register here to receive a link to the live stream, as well as a recording of the event.
I’m also excited to share the Witnessing Climate Change catalog! I designed the 70+ pages to include field sketches, studio paintings, stories, and data visualizations illustrating the impact of climate change on the Black Guillemot colony of Cooper Island and beyond. I’ve included a few sample pages below!
We have a limited number of catalogs available here, thank you for your support and encouragement.

2 Responses to “Exhibit Presentation and Catalog!”
Lorinda Ferland
Haven’t heard from you for awhile. Hope all is well!
Yep! I’ve had my head down with projects and involved with Art Toolkit at the moment, hope to be back to posting more here soon!