Thank you
Thank you to everyone who braved the stormy Seattle weather for Nerd Nite yesterday! My dad Seelye Martin and I had a blast presenting our “Ice Capades” in Greenland. It was the first time we’d presented together and I have to say, he’s a hard act to follow!
I also want to add a note about a slide I shared, this beautiful image of Arctic Fauna by German artist Gustav Mützel, published in an 1894 encyclopedia. The bird on the left looks suspiciously like a penguin, which doesn’t live in the Arctic… but the artist didn’t make a mistake! It’s a Great Auk, large flightless birds which were sadly hunted to extinction by the mid 1850s. What a shame. It makes me wonder what creatures we take for granted today may be gone in 100 years, or sooner!

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