Methow Community School

Last week I visited the Methow Valley on the invitation of Sarah Varick (and Carleton Alum) to do a workshop with the Methow Community School where she works. The school is beginning a phenology project monitoring and documenting changes over a year at the local Beaver Pond. I shared field sketching techniques and also gave a presentation about my work to the school and to the community. It was wonderful to work with younger kids and see their enthusiasm for art and exploring the world. A highlight was exploring with one group what marks different found objects made when dipped in ink. I got things started by sketching an osprey feather with the real feather and soon everything from seed pods to leaves and bunches of pine needles where being dipped in ink and splattered on paper. It was great fun. After all, drawing and painting really just comes down to marks on paper. The more we can delight in that process the better!

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