Last week I had a wonderful ski trip with friends to the Rendezvous Huts in the Methow Valley. We stayed two nights at the lovely Cassal hut where we created an epic sled run and I found some time to sketch. I encountered many of the typical winter field art challenges. My paints were freezing on the surface of my paper, a chilly wind was blowing, and the light was changing quickly. After my first sketch, I used a 1:1 mix of water and local (Portland, OR) Aviation Gin to lower the freezing temperature of my paints. To combat the wind and chills, I bundled up, kept my paper clipped down, and worked quickly, beginning my sketches with a rapid gesture. For the changing light, I noted shadows and the sky before I painted the small compositions. These were all done using just my little field sketch kit. Thanks to my sweetheart Darin for the photos!

First sketch and my paints were freezing
The lovely Cassal Hut
Grizzly Mountain with stormy skies
Sled hill- we avoided the rocks!
Me and my Sweetie
Epic Sledding