Snowy Sketching
Last week I had a wonderful ski trip with friends to the Rendezvous Huts in the Methow Valley. We stayed two nights at the lovely Cassal hut where we created an epic sled run and I found some time to sketch. I encountered many of the typical winter field art challenges. My paints were freezing on the surface of my paper, a chilly wind was blowing, and the light was changing quickly. After my first sketch, I used a 1:1 mix of water and local (Portland, OR) Aviation Gin to lower the freezing temperature of my paints. To combat the wind and chills, I bundled up, kept my paper clipped down, and worked quickly, beginning my sketches with a rapid gesture. For the changing light, I noted shadows and the sky before I painted the small compositions. These were all done using just my little field sketch kit. Thanks to my sweetheart Darin for the photos!

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