Accomplishing goals and projects requires the commitment of daily work. As a self-employed artist, I strive for productive patterns so that I can, in the words of my Carleton College academic counselor Steve Davis, “trust in process.” At the time he told me this, I was failing macro-economics my senior year, a class which I needed to graduate (and to receive my post-grad Watson fellowship!) While I was frustrated and in tears, Steve helped me find a tutor and reminded me to just “trust in process” and that I would succeed. Needless to say, I did well and graduated! 

Nowadays, my time is stretched between my painting, teaching, correspondence, applications, and general business up-keep. While considering new habits for my routine, I’ve come across two inspiring blogs: Daily Routines (how creative-types organize their day) and Zen Habits (simple productivity). 

My current ideal day:

5am: wake-up and exercise (running or heading out for an early swim) followed by a leisurely breakfast where I plan my most important tasks of the day. 

7am – 10am: Art making. I warm up with a bird study and continue on with my other projects. I often work on multiple pieces at once so I’m occupied while my washes dry.

10am: Email check and correspondence

11:30am: Lunch followed by nap! A 30 minute nap can be so refreshing. 

1am – 5pm: Misc. work, email check at 4pm, and I try to end my day with empty inboxes. 

Evenings are for fun! I enjoy reading, movies from the library, and there’s nothing like a hot bath on a winter’s night.

Birds of the past week- I’m enjoying waterbirds!