Office Nomads and Islandwood

Whew! I’m recouping from a busy week spent in part at Islandwood on Bainbridge Island teaching young’uns (3rd – 5th graders) tools for observation and opening my show at Office Nomads. For Islandwood, I presented a 90 minute workshop to six groups of ~ten school kids. We spent part of our time indoors working on gesture and contour drawings, as well as considering the difference between “form” and “content.” We then headed to the “back woods” where everyone had ~20 minutes to sit quietly and journal. That was my favorite part- watching everyone settle down quietly and become immersed in their observations. I visited every student, my first question always, “what have you noticed?”
Tuesday evening at Office Nomads was also wonderful. My art opening coincided with a Seattle Green Drinks open house which was co-hosted by Sustainable Capitol Hill. The event drew all sorts of “green” entrepreneurs who were great fun to meet and we all enjoyed pizza (courtesy of Pizza Fusion) and great beer. Thanks to all for making it possible!

One Response to “Office Nomads and Islandwood”
love your blog. i would love to share pages from your nature journal on my blog!