I can hardly believe it’s September. Where did the summer go? I could use another week of sun here in Seattle… however I did have a fantastic weekend on Orcas Island in the San Juans for the wedding of dear friends. It was a great to get out of town, make ice cream, canoe, and laze around in the sun. I also did a bit of sketching… here are two from while I was waiting for the ferry at the Orcas Hotel to return home. 

View from the Orcas Hotel
View from the Orcas Hotel
Orcas Hotel Piano Player
Orcas Hotel Piano Player

The piano player had a melancholic gaze but sounded lovely and I learned his name is Lennon Aldort. I also painted the view out the window with my tiny watercolor travel kit (more on this tomorrow) and am feeling inspired to sketch and draw more.  Today I made myself a smaller 3 ring sketchbook binder that will fit easily in my purse and I’m preparing for another field trip! This Sunday I fly to Prince George to join scientists from the University of British Columbia for a week in the Cariboo Mountains to monitor a glacier. I’m quite excited about it. Every trip I take, I hone my field art kit even more and I’ll post my supplies and list before I go.