Exploration Watercolors
I’ve been sketching out new North Cascades and arctic compositions this week and completed several small 5″ x 5″ watercolors. I love this format for warming up in my studio and exploring ideas. The lookout was especially fun- I don’t typically paint architecture! It’s inspired by a stormy hike I made up the Lookout in 2008. Read all about it and see sketches in this blog post.

7 Responses to “Exploration Watercolors”
Did you use mask for the one in the middle? All three are great!
Thanks, Nico! I just avoided the snow patches for the Cutthroat Pass piece. I’ll sometimes mask on larger pieces, though
Hey! Long time no see! (Antarctica was an age ago) – How are you? Just happened to drop – so hello! Best and bookiest, Rachel
Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! It’s great to hear from you and see what you’re up too! I love your books- keep in touch! All my best, Maria
Elsbeth McLeod
What a gifted painter you are, Maria, and what a gift you give back to the world with your interpretation of the rich wilderness we are blessed with in the northwest!
Samm Schmidt
Hey Maria!
Came across your work through your adorable Pocket Palettes! Fellow Washingtonian here, do you ever show your work in state? Would LOVE to see your work in person!
You are amazing <3
Hi Samm, thanks so much for reaching out! I do exhibit my work and am working on planning some events for 2020. My mailing list is the best spot to hear my news first, I’d love to meet in person sometime!